
2009: I went to Kathmandu on a Leave for Change sponsored by Uniterra partners and NSCC. This blog documents the entire experience from start to finish. I hope you enjoy the journey from Halifax to Kathmandu.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

En Route!

Halifax to London to Doha…Doha…Doha…still in Doha. I have no idea what the time is in Halifax, nor London nor Kathmandu. I haven’t slept on the trip yet and it’s been 24+ hours. I’ve been at the Doha airport for about 4 hours now and am afraid to go to sleep in the ‘quiet room’ in case I snooze right through the boarding call.

I had a tight transfer to the Qatar Airlines flight in Heathrow, even though it was in the same terminal. The security check had a super long line. It’s such a superficial inspection station anyways; really, we all just got off planes where we had an inspection. Sigh.

Anyhow. In about two hours I’m off to Kathmandu…Yay! OK, here’s some notes about the airports. Heathrow is big which means a lot of walking. The Doha Airport is small, noisy, boring and the washrooms are disgusting…blah. However, I know there’s a new swanky airport opening in 2012, which should be awesome. The lengthy bus ride from the plane to the terminal, jammed with scrambling travelers, was a bit much…but that probably will change in 2012. Also, make note, cutesy Western chit chat and manners don’t garner much of a response here. Leave them at the gate.

1 comment:

  1. Whoa, the bathrooms have nothing on the bathrooms in Kathmandu!!!! Brace yourself.
